Brawl Box terms of service
This page contains an overview of the terms of service for the Brawl Box bot on Discord.
It was last updated November 6th, 2022.
- These terms of service apply to every user of the Brawl Box bot.
- By using the Brawl Box bot, you agree to these terms of service and future versions of these terms.
- You should not intentionally spam commands or otherwise attempt to crash the Brawl Box bot.
- You may not transfer your account to anyone else without prior written permission from a Brawl Box staff member.
- The Brawl Box staff team reserves the right to prohibit any user or server from using the Brawl Box bot.
- The Brawl Box staff team has the rights to update these terms of service at any time without notice.
See also the Brawl Box privacy policy at /brawlbox/privacy
For questions or more information, contact Papier#5462
or another staff member in the Brawl Box
support server at